Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Adriana Ackerman, Student Researcher in Chemistry

What are you researching and with whom?

I'm working in a synthetic organic chemistry lab with Professor Michael Krout, we focus on synthesizing natural products in a lab. Specifically we're researching a family of chemicals known as eudesmanes, synthesized in plants which have antibacterial and antifungal properties. For the molecule to function, it has to be in a specific stereo conformation, and thats the tricky part. We need to synthesize the molecule and select for stereochemistry. My specific portion of the project has to do with methodology, and I'm optimizing the reaction. I'm finding the conditions for the reaction to run that maximizes yield and time, or produces the same product using cheaper reagents.

How did you come into this opportunity?

I took Krout's organic chemistry class my freshman year, and was surprised by how much I liked organic chemistry. I attended a summer research presentation where all the faculty presented their research and what they did. As a biochemistry major, I was drawn to Krout's project. I could do chemistry research but it had a biological function; I'm working on projects with implications for pharmaceuticals, agriculture and engineering. I asked Professor Krout if I could join his lab, and I've been working for him since May 2014.

Did you enjoy your summer experience here at Bucknell?

Summer at Bucknell is much quieter than during the year, but I'm able to be in the lab all day. When I do research now, it has to be timed between classes, homework and extracurriculars and I'm not able to devote as much time to research as I'd like. What I can get done in 2 weeks during the year, I can get done in 2 days over the summer. Researching over the summer allows you to make substantial gains on a real project, an invaluable experience for me. Being here over the summer allowed me to explore more of PA than I ever did during the year, and I visited Ard's, OIPS and several hiking paths for the first time. Plus, the gym was never busy and I could always get the treadmills with the fans in them.